My mobile phone dependency

- 1 minute read

My mobile phone dependency

Mobile telephony is undoubtedly one of the great technological advances of recent years. Forgetting the possible health impact of radiation produced by microwaves from cell phones, the many advantages of mobile technology are undeniable.

I basically use my phone to send and receive calls and I can qualify my use as “moderate”. I only call my friends and a few clients, and always to talk about something specific. Usually a conversation does not exceed two minutes, but there are always exceptions. I don’t understand phone conversations that go on forever.

Although I do not abuse mobiles, and I am not a regular user of other services such as Internet connection and short messages and multimedia messages, I confess that I do not leave home without my phone, and if I sometimes forget it (on rare occasions), I go back to get it. It is possibly the only drawback I suffer from: dependence on my cell phone.